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Send the invoice

This is how you charge us

After doing some live streams and charging for them you will have generated x amount of money on your account. Now it’s time to send that invoice!

To do so, start with going to your channel, click on Admin > Shop. Here you can see how much you have generated and how much you can bill us. Note that the amount you see on your channel is VAT* included while the amount you can invoice Solidsport is with VAT excluded. This is because Solidsport has to pay 25% VAT on each transaction processed in the platform. 

For example, let’s say you have generated 300 euros, this means that you can bill us 225 euros (300 x 0,75). 


Video tutorial

In this video we guide you on how to get paid from Solidsport.


Template to fill in

To send the bill you need to fill in this template (English) or this template in Swedish if you are Swedish, and then email us the filled in document.

* VAT stands for Value Added Tax and it’s a consumption tax that is applied to nearly all goods and services that are bought and sold for use or consumption in the EU.

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