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Filming with an HD camera/GoPro

The main difference between live streaming with a camera and the Broadcast app is that you need to put the right live stream URL and Stream key on your own. The other difference is that the quality of your streams will be much higher, which your viewers will appreciate.


Start with the essentials

  1. If you haven’t already downloaded OBS Studio to your computer or any other streaming program, it’s time to do so now. Go to this link to download OBS Studio to your computer.
  2. The camera settings for having the right dimensions are either 1920×1080 or 1280×720, but keep in mind that you will stream in 720p. Meaning that streaming in 1080p will be transcoded to 720p automatically. So there is no point in streaming in 1080 unless you want to.


Find the right RTMP link and Stream key. 

  1. Upload a game or a live stream on your channel
  2. Click on Admin > Live. Now choose the stream in your list.
  3. You have chosen a stream, scroll down to your settings and there you will see the RTMP link and Stream key. The URL link is for any stream on Solidsport but the Stream key is different for each stream.
  4. Put the RTMP link (rtmp:// and the Stream key. The Stream key can also be called Stream ID or Configuration Key.
  5. If there is no place to put the ID on and there is something called ‘’Stream connection’’ then you should put the Stream key after the RTMP link like this: rtmp://

Video tutorial – finding the RTMP link and Stream key


Filming with a GoPro

Streaming with a GoPro is similar to streaming with an HD camera since you also need to find the RTMP link as explained above and you need to have a broadcaster system installed on your computer. Moving on to the things that are a bit different.

  1. Find a good and safe place for the GoPro.
  2. Make sure the GoPro is in a stable position and not moving or falling down. Secure it with a tripod a clamp or tape, whatever works for you.
  3. With the GoPro it’s also possible to stream and get a view from the player or athletes, for example with an on board camera/GoPro. This is not common but possible if you want to try it out. Please make sure to then put the GoPro on a players helmet or other safe place.


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