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Designing your channel

Make your channel more personalized

In this guide you will find a few step by step tutorials on how to make your channel stand out.


Your logo and header

The first thing you want to start with is fixing your logo and your header, since it’s the first thing your viewers will see and recognize.

The picture of your logo should have the size 432×432 Pixel.

Your header should have the size 1292×340 Pixel.

Once you have your logo and header with the right sizes, you can upload them to the Image archive on you Channel.

Go to Admin > Settings > Image Archive > Add your images here.

After uploading your images to the Image Archive, you then go to Settings > Channel > Channel Settings.Here you can change the logo and the header (also called cover) to the pictures you just uploaded.


If you want, you can put a link behind the header/cover. So when people click on the header/cover they get redirected to your website or another link of your choice. For that follow these steps:
Go to you channel and then Admin > Settings > Channel > Channel Settings > Insert your Link in the field “Cover link”.


Video tutorial for uploading logo and header

Here we have a quick video tutorial explaining where to find and upload your pictures.



Thumbnails for your games

A lot of teams and tournaments like to have their own design on the thumbnails for their games and live streams. You can change the standard thumbnail (see the picture) for one of your choice. Down below we show you how to do it.

To add a good and unique thumbnail for your games/events and replays, follow these steps:

Go to your channel and then Admin > Settings > Image Archive > Add your images here,  then go to Settings > Channel > Player here you can choose what picture from the image archive you want to use as a thumbnail.


Video tutorial for thumbnails



Custom headers and footers

To secure a good viewer experience and to welcome your viewers on the channel, you should write a custom headers text. Here you can also link to your game or event schedule, or to your All Access pass.

You can edit the text if you follow these steps: Go to your channel and then Admin > Settings > Channel > Channel Settings > here you can now edit the custom headers text, but please be aware to use the right format to write the text, which you can see in the examples.

Example Custom Header text

You can copy and paste this text and just put your own channel name or change the sentences to fit your style of communication.

<h2>Watch all our games live!</h2>
<p style=”font-size: 16px;”>
Don’t miss a single moment from the Your Game/Event here. Get full access to all live streams and replays with the All Access Pass. </p>
<p style=”font-size: 16px;”>
Click <a href=”” style=”color: #e62b1e”>HERE</a> to buy your All Access pass.


Example Custom Footer

In the footer of your channel you can put either your sponsor’s logo or your next tournament? That’s fully up to you. You can copy and paste this text and just put your own channel name or change the sentences to fit your style of communication.

<h3>Göteborg Basketball Festival</h3>
<p style=”font-size: 16px;”>
Göteborg Basketball Festival is one of Europe’s largest youth tournaments in basketball. The tournament started in 1979 and is always held during Ascension weekend. The tournament is organized by Högsbo Basket with the help of other basketball clubs in the Gothenburg area.

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