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Having commentators

If you want to offer a really nice experience for your viewers by having commentators then you are on the right spot. Here we will give you a guide on what kind of equipment you need to have and some tips to make your live stream be of a higher quality.



In order to have a commentator or commentators, you will need 3 things:

The first one is the audio console. A model we recommend using is the Comica cvm ax3 (the one in the picture) which has two channels if you want to have two commentators. But any audio console should work!

The second thing you need are the headphones with a build in mic.

The third and last thing thing is a line cable you can connect to the audio console and the headphones.


Do a test before streaming

Always do a test stream to see if the equipment is working. If you have never used the equipment and have no idea where the cables should go, then contact us on If you want us to call you then please write your number so we can get in contact faster. We recommend contacting us at least a day before your event goes live. This way you will feel more secure and know exactly what to do as a commentator.


Tips and tricks

Coming soon..

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