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Admin and other roles

About the different roles

If you created your channel you will automatically be the Admin, meaning you have the permission or access to every function.

But what if you are not the one who will do all streams every time? Then we have different roles with different functions.

 Role   Functionality
 Editor  Access to everything except “Settings”.
 Producer  Access to the admin pages “Games”, “Video” and “live” and the Broadcast app.
 User/User  Access to the admin pages “Games”, “Video”, Live” and “Promote” and the Broadcast app.
 Broadcast  Access to broadcast games via Solidsport Broadcast. No other Admin   permissions.

Important when adding someone for a role

It’s important that the person who is invited has a Solidsport account. Otherwise, that person first needs to create an account via

How to invite someone for a role

To invite more people to your channel, start by going to your channel then Admin> Settings > Account Settings > Administrators.
Here you simply fill in the email address of the person you want to invite and press the
“Add/Invite” button.


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