by Soledad Cornejo | Aug 30, 2022 | FAQs
If you create a test stream and click on Publish, then yes it will be visible for your viewers. So if you don’t wish everyone to see your test stram don’t click on Publish. You can still do the test stream, don’t worry.
by Soledad Cornejo | Aug 22, 2022 | Getting Started
Ready to do your first stream? Here we go through what you need to do in order to succeed with your first stream. If you can tick all the points in the list, you are more than ready to start live streaming your game or event. Let’s go! Checklist First thing is...
by Solidsport | Mar 30, 2022 | Beginner, Getting Started
This is your guide on how to broadcast your sport live Your smartphone or tablet, a stable internet connection and the Solidsport Broadcast app is everything you need to get started with streaming your games or events in a smooth and professional way. Here is our...